With the passing of my grandpa I have been moody and just in a constant fog, so I turned to my love of crafting to try and get me back into the swing of things, plus there are some very cute incentives coming up in October and November for thirty-one consultants, and I thought getting a head start on some super cute handmade invites would be the cure.
I needed some time to clear my head. For some reason driving around, windows open, radio blaring, singing at the top of my lungs, like the country star or white rapper, wanna be I am. Just seems to make me feel better.
Then I decided to take a walk around walmart, since my wonderful mother was watching Landon, and the thought of walking into Walmart without my son screaming or reaching for every little thing, and me actually being able to walk around and look at things, was heavenly.
Why? Because of the usual scenario. Which would consist of running around like its Black Friday. Let me set the scene: its 4am, freezing out, all the women are in tennis shoes, hair up, wallets, credit cards, and pepper spray in check. The doors have just opened, and everyone starts pilling in, racing around like mad men on a war field. Then there is little ole' me up against the old ladies of the knitting circle. All with their canes, walkers, removable teeth, and crochet needles. All with their perfect little curls and innocent little grins. Pretty much they win.
Well instead of an old lady, in this case its my son, a bottle, soggy Cheerios and lungs that could break the sound barrier when activated. (Moms You know the sound, the one that operas singers boast about, when they hit the note that makes the wine glass shatter in a million pieces, and everyone claps).
Well in this case, this note causes all shoppers to stop what they are doing and gawk, all while at the same time, they are thinking terrible things such as: if that were my child, or how could you let your child do that, control your child, or the few glorious parents out there thinking, thank god my child isn't the only one that does that.
So instead of the normal scenario.. I'm left with this, glorious oh so glorious, scenario of walking into Walmart by myself!! Nearing those wonderful doors, that open up just for me, like a personal butler welcoming me into the land of Oz. Then as I enter the doors a blast if warm air wraps around and hugs me. Oh what a vacation this is turning out to be. Some of you may think I am going crazy overboard, but I'm sure their are a few of you that can relate.)
Then it happens my cell rings, and reality hits me, text: your sons poopy and wants his MAMA, hurry please... Yep my fantasy just bursted. I hate being rushed, but I will still enjoy this time no matter how short.
So I enter the holy land and quickly get to the arts and crafts section (new section I am in love with!) and find these pink blank cards with envelopes for only $0.97 for a set of 8. Some wonderful bling bling stickers also $0.97 ink pads and a set of mini letter stamps, same price and ribbon for only $0.47. Some wonderful circular foam brushes set of 10 for $3.97 and cute pink sparky and purple metallic craft paint, around $1.47 each. Then I hit the Jackpot Thirty-One has a new print for fall Purple Paisley that is super cute, and Walmart had a super close super cute ribbon that matched!!! Oh made my day :) and will be the perfect accent for my invites, and only $1.39 for thick ribbon!
So I rushed home, after grabbing a frappe Starbucks drink, I'm seriously addicted. Sat next to my child in his bath and went to work making cards.
I will have another post with the steps and process later on.
It is crazy how much relief I felt from just that small shopping trip, amazing deals, and getting just a few moments to sing loudly and just be me. It was wonderful and just so therapeutic. I didn't get much done on my invites but just starting them tonight topped my night off :) can't wait to finish these puppies up!!
So the point of this post today, make time for yourself, if only for 30 mins, rejuvenate, because trust me, sometimes that is honestly all you need.
And remember
Trust in The Lord with all of your heart and lean not into your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Death, I love you grandpa Larry
Death, many people would consider it a scary notion, a sense of peace, freedom from pain suffering and worldly stress, but for me last night walking in moments before my grandpa passed, grabbing his hand and seeing the struggle he was going through. I did not feel a sense of relief, I was not terrified, I was empty. I do not know what to think what to feel at the moment, I miss my grandpa. I want him back, I want to hear him call me Charlie again, I want to know he knew I was there, but these are all things that will and can never happen again.
Like many others in my position, my head is throbbing, my heart feels as if it has been ripped from my very body, and I feel as if everything going on around me is nothing but a bad dream. A dream that I just want someone to wake me up from, but some where deep inside of me I know it is real, slowly but surely the gray sky is changing into blue and one day even the sun will shine through.
I love you grandpa Larry and I know you would not want me to feel or be like this. I wish I could be out in the country sitting out on the porch looking for humming birds and just spending time and talking with you. I love you and I know you are in a better place. You were baptized and excepted Jesus into your heart and soul, and thank you so much for taking that giant step and excepting Jesus into your heart and soul. Without knowing Jesus and knowing that you excepted Jesus, I think this whole process would be even harder. Once again Grandpa I love you, I miss you, and it will take sometime but things will get better. I promise I will look after Grandma Elsie for you. Hugs and Kisses. Your Emy, aka Charlie.
Like many others in my position, my head is throbbing, my heart feels as if it has been ripped from my very body, and I feel as if everything going on around me is nothing but a bad dream. A dream that I just want someone to wake me up from, but some where deep inside of me I know it is real, slowly but surely the gray sky is changing into blue and one day even the sun will shine through.
I love you grandpa Larry and I know you would not want me to feel or be like this. I wish I could be out in the country sitting out on the porch looking for humming birds and just spending time and talking with you. I love you and I know you are in a better place. You were baptized and excepted Jesus into your heart and soul, and thank you so much for taking that giant step and excepting Jesus into your heart and soul. Without knowing Jesus and knowing that you excepted Jesus, I think this whole process would be even harder. Once again Grandpa I love you, I miss you, and it will take sometime but things will get better. I promise I will look after Grandma Elsie for you. Hugs and Kisses. Your Emy, aka Charlie.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Ephesians 2:11-18
Has anyone ever told you, you are beautiful? Well if no one has said it lately, you are beautiful. You may say you have never seen me before, but I believe any and everyone is beautiful in there own ways.
Today my father preached on Ephesians 2: 11-18. His topic was "And the Walls came tumbling down." The main point of his sermon was to look inward and to figure out what walls you need to have tumble down. Could it be things such as pride? Many of people believe Christians have a holier than though attitude and I believe that is the worst thing we should ever be known for.
Things I believe I do need to work on are things such as coveting. I always want the next best and big thing. I want the new IPhone 5, I get the new thirty-one catalog and I want to buy the whole thing. I judge, even though I have been judged before. These are both things I try and work on daily and I ask you to ask yourself what do you need to work on?
Think about the kind of people that followed Jesus. The people that Jesus personally choose to be his disciples, were some of the lowest of the low, but as Jesus said.
It is not what man puts in his mouth that makes him unclean, it is what comes out of his mouth that makes a man unclean.
You need to get right in your heart in order to get right with others to actually be able to experience peace, and true peace only comes when we invite Jesus into our hearts and minds, repent and our baptized into his name.
If you want to find peace, you need to tear down the walls you have built up, and let the Lord our Savior purify and cleanse your soul.
Today my father preached on Ephesians 2: 11-18. His topic was "And the Walls came tumbling down." The main point of his sermon was to look inward and to figure out what walls you need to have tumble down. Could it be things such as pride? Many of people believe Christians have a holier than though attitude and I believe that is the worst thing we should ever be known for.
Things I believe I do need to work on are things such as coveting. I always want the next best and big thing. I want the new IPhone 5, I get the new thirty-one catalog and I want to buy the whole thing. I judge, even though I have been judged before. These are both things I try and work on daily and I ask you to ask yourself what do you need to work on?
Think about the kind of people that followed Jesus. The people that Jesus personally choose to be his disciples, were some of the lowest of the low, but as Jesus said.
It is not what man puts in his mouth that makes him unclean, it is what comes out of his mouth that makes a man unclean.
You need to get right in your heart in order to get right with others to actually be able to experience peace, and true peace only comes when we invite Jesus into our hearts and minds, repent and our baptized into his name.
If you want to find peace, you need to tear down the walls you have built up, and let the Lord our Savior purify and cleanse your soul.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The one upper
The One Upper:
Have you ever had that friend, relative, or enemy who just seems to have it altogether. You know the one with the tight bod, angels for children, clean house, laundry done, meals planned, perfect manicure, amazing cook and perfect hair. All while you are having trouble running up and down the stairs without getting winded, running after the kids is your idea of a work-out, considering you sweat enough for it to be, dishes are pilling higher and higher in the sink, and the amount of laundry in seeping out into the hallway.
The other day a family member of mine made cookies and cupcakes, and another did the same thing for a family gathering, both slaved the day before to make things that would look and taste great. The one shows up with cupcakes that look like they are fit for a queen to eat and the other, well, looks like a kid made them. The family member that made the other cupcakes wouldn't even take hers our because the other family member made her feel inadequate. (Don't worry Aunt Margaret, they did not look like a kid made them, plus they were super yummy).
Why is it that women are always trying to one up the other? We hate the feeling when it happens to us, so why do we do it to others .
Lets try and set a better example for our children and let them know that is okay to just do your best, and to not worry about what others are doing. If other projects look better, do not worry. You did your best and you accomplished something. You are doing your best and more people need to tell you that. Keep your head up Mama, your doing a wonderful job.
intro.. drum roll please
Many may ask why are you starting a blog, my simple, okay, long answer is; I want a way to vent. I have come to realize that as soon as my little bump came along, it seemed like a lot of my friends disappeared the bigger the bump became, and even less after my son Landon was born at 4 lbs 6 oz and 32 weeks. I believe that every woman needs a place or someone to vent, weither it be because she is having a terrible hair day, or your child has climbed up on the table for the twenthy time, and you are just exhausted and tired of having no one listen to you, yes you know your child is 16 months old, but that is not the point, the point is, you want a listening ear, that gets you and wants to help. So here I am Emily Zingg here to listen and talk, mainly talk, but any comments are apprecaited as well.
A little about me: I am a part-time student at a community college on her way to becoming a nurse, slowly, but surely, becoming a nurse anyway. A mom to one amazing little boy named Landon who is 16 months old, and a wife to a great husband Michael.
I try to be active in my church, in a small town with about 8 different churches in it, all of which are huge, and ours is well smaller. I do communion, mow the lawn, play bells, clarinet, women's bible studies, and sing in the choir. My father is the minister so it is something I try to stay active in, plus, I don't know if you've ever volunteered for anything before, but the happiness that can fill your heart is truly amazing.
A little about me: I am a part-time student at a community college on her way to becoming a nurse, slowly, but surely, becoming a nurse anyway. A mom to one amazing little boy named Landon who is 16 months old, and a wife to a great husband Michael.
I try to be active in my church, in a small town with about 8 different churches in it, all of which are huge, and ours is well smaller. I do communion, mow the lawn, play bells, clarinet, women's bible studies, and sing in the choir. My father is the minister so it is something I try to stay active in, plus, I don't know if you've ever volunteered for anything before, but the happiness that can fill your heart is truly amazing.
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